It is claimed that back in the early 1980s the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) designed a state-of-the-art, albeit primitive by today’s standards, technology known as artificial intelligence (AI).
Since then, things have changed drastically. According to an article published by Bloomberg last week, CIA officials have indicated that the Agency is on the verge of unveiling a feature, reminiscent of the notable program by OpenAI Inc., which will employ AI to enhance analysts’ access to open-source intelligence. It’s anticipated that the CIA’s Open-Source Enterprise division will soon extend its AI tool to intelligence agencies.
Randy Nixon, director of the CIA’s open source enterprise, told Bloomberg that they have gone from utilizing “newspapers and radio, to newspapers and television, to newspapers and cable television, to basic internet, to big data, and it just keeps going.”
Nixon also mentioned that the CIA’s AI tool will enable users to trace the original source of the information they are viewing. He added that incorporating a chat feature makes sense to expedite the distribution of intelligence.
Spanning the 18-agency US intelligence community, which encompasses the CIA, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and military branch-run agencies, the AI tool will be accessible. However, it will not be extended to policymakers or the general public. Nixon emphasized the agency’s strict adherence to US privacy laws.