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The Digital Dominance: Musk Foresees AI Outpacing Biological Intelligence

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The Digital Dominance: Musk Foresees AI Outpacing Biological Intelligence

In a thought-provoking statement at the Milken Institute Global Conference, Elon Musk expressed his view on the encroaching predominance of artificial intelligence (AI) over biological intelligence.

“The percentage of intelligence that is biological grows smaller with each passing month,” Musk declared, driving home his point home by adding: “Eventually, the percentage of intelligence that is biological will be less than 1%.”

However, Musk clarified that he did not imply the obsolescence of human intelligence. Rather, he suggested that biological intelligence could serve as “a backstop, as a buffer of intelligence” against the fragilities of digital systems.

“Silicon circuit boards don’t do well just out in the elements,” he said.

As AI becomes better, Musk stressed the importance of shaping this technology for humanity’s benefit.

“I do think it’s very important that we build the AI in a way that is beneficial to humanity,” he stated. Musk advocated for the principles of truth and transparency, noting, “I think you want to have maximum truth-seeking. The AI should not be taught to lie. It should not be taught to say things that are not true.”

Musk’s perspective is an important one and raises profound questions about the future role of human intelligence and the ethical frameworks necessary to guide the development of increasingly powerful AI systems.

Featured image: Credit: Bloomberg