Qualcomm launched its new Snapdragon X Plus 8-core processor, aiming to challenge Intel in the AI PC market. Announced at the IFA conference, the chip is designed for Windows PCs priced as low as $700, with AI capabilities and long battery life.
“We are on a journey to diversify and make sure our technology is now expanding into other markets,” said Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon in an interview Wednesday.
He also stated that the PC market is undergoing fundamental changes due to two factors: the convergence of mobile and PC technologies, with users expecting similar performance to their phones, particularly in terms of battery life, and the integration of AI with desktop computers.
Qualcomm’s push into the PC space is part of its strategy to diversify beyond mobile chips. Amon also underlined the company’s goal to bring AI PCs to the mainstream, with plans to expand the Snapdragon X line to all computing devices. Initial sales of Qualcomm-powered Microsoft Surface PCs have exceeded expectations.